Request Reviews

Request reviews from specific users or teams.

The request_reviews action lets Mergify request reviews from specified users or teams. This is useful when you want to ensure specific team members review certain pull requests.

Key nameValue type
bot_accounttemplate or null

Mergify can impersonate a GitHub user to request a review on a pull request. If no bot_account is set, Mergify will request the review itself.

random_countinteger or null

Pick random users and teams from the provided lists. When random_count is specified, users and teams can be a dictionary where the key is the login and the value is the weight to use. Weight must be between 1 and 15 included.

teamslist of string or object

The team names to request reviews from.

userslist of string or object

The usernames to request reviews from.

users_from_teamslist of string or object

The team names to get the list of users to request reviews from.

There are plenty of possibilities for the request reviews action. Read below to discover them.