Sharing Configuration

Learn how to share and reuse configuration pieces in your configuration.

In Mergify, you can leverage certain features like YAML anchors and aliases, the shared key, and the extends key to reduce redundancy, maintain consistency, and increase code reusability.

YAML anchors (&) and aliases (*) are supported in the configuration file. These allow you to reuse configuration sections. For example, you can create a list of continuous integration checks and use it in multiple sections:

  - name: hotfix
      - and: &CheckRuns
        - check-success = linters
        - check-success = unit
        - check-success = functionnal
        - check-success = e2e
        - check-success = docker
  - name: default
      - and: *CheckRuns
      - schedule = Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30[Europe/Paris]

Sharing Configuration Sections

Section titled Sharing Configuration Sections

You can store anything in the shared key. Its main purpose is to provide a place to put redundant YAML anchors:

  my_ci: &common_checks
    - check-success = ci-one
    - check-success = ci-two

  - name: hotfix
      - and: *my_ci
  - name: default
      - and: *my_ci
      - schedule = Mon-Fri 09:00-17:30[Europe/Paris]

Mergify lets you extend your configuration file by including the configuration from another repository. This feature is useful when you want to share and reuse configuration rules across multiple repositories, helping maintain consistency and reduce duplication.

To extend a configuration file, use the extends keyword at the top level of your configuration file file and specify the repository name from which you want to include the configuration.

extends: shared-config

The configuration from the specified repository will be loaded and applied before the one in the current repository. Here’s an example:

extends: shared-config

  - name: additional rule specific to this repository
      - base = main
          - repository-specific