Mergify Conditions
Everything you need to know when writing conditions in Mergify
Conditions are an essential component of Mergify rules, as they define the criteria that must be met for a rule to be applied. By utilizing conditions, you can create highly customizable and flexible rules tailored to your specific workflow requirements. Conditions enable you to target pull requests based on various factors such as their status, properties, labels, and associated statuses or checks.
In this guide, we will explore the structure, syntax, and usage of conditions in Mergify rules. You will learn how to craft effective conditions that help you automate and streamline your pull request management process.
Structure of a Condition
Section titled Structure of a ConditionA condition in Mergify rules is composed of three key components: attributes, operators, and values, along with optional modifiers. These components work together to define the criteria that must be met for the condition to be considered true.
The grammar for a condition is as follows:
[ "-" ] [ "#" ] <attribute> [ <operator> <value> ]
Section titled Modifiers-
The optional minus (
) operator at the beginning of the condition negates the result of the condition, acting as a “not” operator. -
The optional hash (
) operator is used to evaluate the length of a list when the attribute is a list.
Section titled AttributesAttributes represent the properties or characteristics of a pull request that you want to evaluate in your condition. These can include elements such as the number of approvals, the presence of specific labels, or the status of CI checks.
Section titled OperatorsOperators are used to compare the attribute to a specified value. Mergify
supports various comparison operators (e.g., =
, !=
, <
, >
When the attribute is a list, comparison operators behave as if “any” is used on the list, meaning the condition will return true if any element of the list matches the given operator and value.
Section titled ValuesValues are the reference points used to evaluate the attribute. They can be strings, numbers, or booleans, depending on the attribute being evaluated.
For example, consider the following condition:
#approved-reviews-by >= 2
In this condition:
The attribute is
, which represents the list of approved reviewers for a pull request. -
The operator is
, which means “greater than or equal to.” -
The value is
, which indicates the minimum number of approved reviews required for the condition to be true. -
The hash (
) operator is used to evaluate the length of the list of approved reviewers.
Understanding the structure of a condition is crucial for creating effective Mergify rules that cater to your specific needs and requirements.
Attributes List
Section titled Attributes ListAttributes are properties of pull requests or events used to filter and evaluate the conditions within rules. They can be used to create more specific and targeted rules for your repository.
Attribute name | Value type | Description |
added-files | list of string |
The files that are added by the pull request. |
added-lines | list of string |
The lines that are added by the pull request. Only usable as |
approved-reviews-by | list of string |
The list of GitHub user or team login that approved the pull request. Team logins are prefixed with the |
assignee | list of string |
The list of GitHub user or team login that are assigned to the pull request. Team logins are prefixed with the |
author | string |
The GitHub user or team login of the author of the pull request. |
base | string |
The name of the branch the pull request should be pulled into. |
body | string |
The content of the pull request description without Markdown/HTML comments. |
body-raw | string |
The content of the pull request description. |
branch-protection-review-decision | APPROVED , CHANGES_REQUESTED or REVIEW_REQUIRED or null |
The review decision. This indicates if |
changes-requested-reviews-by | list of string |
The list of GitHub user or team login that have requested changes in a review for the pull request. |
check | list of string |
The list of checks for that pull request. |
check-failure | list of string |
The list of checks that failed for the pull request. Checks that report being cancelled, timed out, and action required are also considered as failures. |
check-neutral | list of string |
The list of checks that are neutral for the pull request. |
check-pending | list of string |
The list of checks that are pending for the pull request. |
check-skipped | list of string |
The list of checks that was skipped for the pull request. |
check-stale | list of string |
The list of checks that are stale for the pull request. |
check-success | list of string |
The list of checks that successfully passed for the pull request. |
check-timed-out | list of string |
The list of checks that timed out for the pull request. |
closed | boolean |
Whether the pull request is closed. |
closed-at | date-time or null |
The time the pull request was closed at. |
co-authors | list of CommitAuthor |
The list of co-authors on the pull request (excluding merge commits and bots). |
commented-reviews-by | list of string |
The list of GitHub user that have commented in a review for the pull request. This only matches reviewers with |
commits | list of Commit |
The list of commits of the pull request. The index 0 is the first commit, while -1 is the last commit. |
commits-behind | list of string |
The list of commits between the head of the base branch and the base of the pull request. This can only be used with the length operator as |
commits-unverified | list of string |
The list of commit messages that are marked as unverified by GitHub. |
conflict | boolean |
Whether the pull request is conflicting with its base branch. |
created-at | date-time |
The time the pull request was created at. |
current-datetime | date-time |
The current date and time. |
deleted-lines | list of string |
The lines that are deleted by the pull request. Only usable as |
dependabot-dependency-name | list of string |
The dependency-name value included in the Dependabot commit message. |
dependabot-dependency-type | list of string |
The dependency-type value included in the Dependabot commit message. |
dependabot-update-type | list of string |
The update-type value included in the Dependabot commit message. |
depends-on | list of string |
The list of dependencies to other pull request in the format |
dismissed-reviews-by | list of string |
The list of GitHub user login that have their review dismissed in the pull request. |
draft | boolean |
Whether the pull request is in draft state. |
files | list of string |
The files that are modified, deleted or added by the pull request. |
head | string |
The name of the branch where the pull request changes are implemented. |
head-repo-full-name | string |
The head branch repository full name (complete version with the organization name). |
label | list of string |
The list of labels of the pull request. |
linear-history | boolean |
Whether the pull request commits history is linear (no merge commit). |
locked | boolean |
Whether the pull request is locked. |
merge-commit-sha | string or null |
The merge commit SHA of the pull request returned by GitHub. |
merged | boolean |
Whether the pull request is merged. |
merged-at | date-time or null |
The time the pull request was merged at. |
merged-by | string or null |
The GitHub user that merged the pull request. |
mergify-configuration-changed | boolean |
Whether the pull request contains changes in the configuration file. |
milestone | string or null |
The milestone title associated to the pull request. |
modified-files | list of string |
The files that are modified by the pull request. |
modified-lines | list of string |
The lines that are modified by the pull request. Only usable as |
number | integer |
The pull request number. |
A dequeue code for when a pull request has been disembarked from the merge queue. |
queue-merge-started-at | date-time or null |
The time the pull request mergeability checks have started at. This attribute does not work yet when using partition rules. |
queue-name | string or null |
The name of the queue containing the pull request. |
queue-partition-name | string or null |
The name of the partitions the pull request is queued in. |
queue-position | integer |
The position of the pull request in its queue if queued. The first pull request in the queue has position 0. The value is set to -1 if the pull request is not queued. If you are using partitions, this returns the maximum position of the pull request from all the partitions it is queued in. |
queued-at | date-time or null |
The time the pull request was queued at for merge. |
removed-files | list of string |
The files that are removed by the pull request. |
repository-full-name | string |
The current repository full name (complete version with the organization name). |
repository-name | string |
The current repository name (short version without the organization name). |
review-requested | list of string |
The list of GitHub user or team login that were requested to review the pull request. Team logins are prefixed with the @ character. This only matches reviewers with |
review-threads-resolved | list of string |
The list of bodies associated to review threads that are marked as resolved by GitHub. |
review-threads-unresolved | list of string |
The list of bodies associated to review threads that are NOT marked as resolved by GitHub. |
schedule | string |
The current time will be compared against this schedule to validate this attribute. |
sender | string |
The GitHub login of the command author. |
sender-permission | GitHubRepositoryPermission |
The permission of the command author. |
title | string |
The title of the pull request. |
updated-at | date-time |
The time the pull request was updated at. |
updates | list of PullRequestHeadShaHistoryDict |
The list of updates done on an opened pull request. |
Operators List
Section titled Operators ListOperators allow you to compare attributes with specified values in order to determine if a condition is true or false. Mergify supports several types of operators that cater to different types of comparisons. Familiarizing yourself with these operators is essential for crafting effective conditions in your Mergify rules.
Here is a list of the available operators:
Operator Name | Symbols | Description |
Equal |
| This operator checks for strict equality. If the target attribute type is a list, each element of the list is compared against the value and the condition is true if any value matches. |
Not Equal |
| This operator checks for non equality. If the target attribute type is a list, each element of the list is compared against the value and the condition is true if no value matches. |
Match |
| This operator checks for regular expressions matching. If the target attribute type is a list, each element of the list is matched against the value and the condition is true if any value matches. |
Greater Than or Equal |
| This operator checks for the value to be greater than or equal to the
provided value. It’s usually used to compare against the length of a
list using the # prefix. |
Greater Than |
| This operator checks for the value to be greater than the provided
value. It’s usually used to compare against the length of a list using
the # prefix. |
Lesser Than or Equal |
| This operator checks for the value to be lesser then or equal to the
provided value. It’s usually used to compare against the length of a
list using the # prefix. |
Lesser Than |
| This operator checks for the value to be lesser than the provided value. It’s
usually used to compare against the length of a list using the |
For example, let’s consider a condition that requires a pull request to have a specific label:
label = bugfix
In this condition:
The attribute is
, which represents the labels associated with a pull request. -
The operator is
, which means “equal to.” -
The value is
, which is the label we want the pull request to have.
Operators on Lists
Section titled Operators on ListsSome attributes have a type of list
. Most
operators are able to match value against lists: they will
iterate over all the values of the list and return true if any of the value
For example, the label
attribute is a list of string containing the names
of the label attached to a pull request. With a pull request whose labels are
(bug, work-in-progress)
, then:
label = work-in-progress
is true because there is a label namedwork-in-progress
. -
label = enhancement
is false because there is no label namedenhancement
. -
label != work-in-progress
is false because there is a label namedwork-in-progress
. -
label ~= ^work
is true because there is a label matching the regular expression^work
. -
-label ~= ^work
is false because there is a label matching the regular expression^work
but the condition is reversed with the-
The same applies for the files
attribute — which contains the list of
modified files:
files = README
is true if the fileREADME
is modified in the pull request. -
files != README
is true if the fileREADME
is not modified in the pull request. -
files ~= ^src/
is true if any files in thesrc
directory is modified in the pull request. -
-files ~= ^src/
is true if none of the files that are modified are in thesrc
directory. -
files ~= ^(|$
is true if the
is modified in the pull requests.
Examples with Operators
Section titled Examples with OperatorsApply the rule only to pull requests with a specific milestone
Section titled Apply the rule only to pull requests with a specific milestoneIn this example, we use the =
operator to match a specific milestone for the
pull request:
- name: Rule for milestone "v1.0"
- milestone = v1.0
# Your actions here
Apply the rule only when the number of changes is less than or equal to a certain threshold
Section titled Apply the rule only when the number of changes is less than or equal to a certain thresholdIn this example, we use the <= operator
to check if the number of files
modified in the pull request is less than or equal to 50:
- name: Rule for small changes
- "#files <= 50"
# Your actions here
Apply the rule only when the pull request is labeled with at least one of the specified labels
Section titled Apply the rule only when the pull request is labeled with at least one of the specified labelsIn this example, we use the !=
operator to check if the pull request does not
have the specified labels:
- name: Rule when not a bug
- label != bug
# Your actions here
Combining Conditions Using Logical Operators
Section titled Combining Conditions Using Logical OperatorsMergify allows you to combine multiple conditions using logical operators,
making it possible to create more intricate rules that cater to your specific
workflow requirements. You can use the and
and or
logical operators to join
conditions together.
The and
Section titled The and OperatorThe and
operator is used to join conditions such that all conditions must be
true for the overall condition to be true. In Mergify rules, the and
is represented by placing conditions on separate lines within the same rule.
Alternatively, you can use the and
keyword to explicitly group conditions
- name: Merge when all conditions are met
- and:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"
- "check-success = test job"
method: merge
In this example, the pull request will only be merged if it has at least 2
approved reviews and the test job
check passes.
The or
Section titled The or OperatorThe or
operator is used to join conditions such that if any one of the
conditions is true, the overall condition is considered true. In Mergify rules,
the or
operator is represented by using the or
keyword and specifying
conditions as a list.
- name: Merge when either condition is met
- or:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"
- "check-success = test job"
method: merge
In this example, the pull request will be merged if it has at least 2 approved
reviews or if the test job
check passes.
Combining conditions using logical operators can help you create more sophisticated rules tailored to your repository’s workflow and requirements.
The not
Section titled The not OperatorThe not
operator is used to negate a block of conditions such that if a
condition is true, it becomes false. In Mergify rules, the not
operator is
represented by using the not
keyword and specifying the underlying condition
block with or
or and
- name: Merge when both condition are not met
- not:
- "#approved-reviews-by >= 2"
- "check-success = test job"
method: merge
Testing and Debugging Conditions
Section titled Testing and Debugging ConditionsWhen crafting conditions for your Mergify rules, it’s essential to test and debug them to ensure they are working as intended. This section will guide you through the process of testing and debugging conditions in your Mergify configuration.
Use the Mergify Configuration Editor
Section titled Use the Mergify Configuration EditorThe Mergify configuration editor is a useful tool to help you test your conditions and rules on existing pull requests without actually triggering the actions defined in your rules. To access the configuration editor, follow these steps:
- Navigate to your Mergify dashboard.
- Select the repository you want to test.
- Click on the “Config Editor” tab.

In the configuration editor, you can enter your conditions and see how they would be evaluated on your pull requests. You can also test your entire Mergify configuration by copying and pasting it into the configuration editor.
Analyze the Mergify Checks
Section titled Analyze the Mergify ChecksOnce you have created and committed your Mergify configuration file, Mergify will evaluate the conditions in your rules for each pull request. To debug your conditions and understand why a rule may not be working as expected, you can analyze the Mergify Checks on a pull request:
- Navigate to the “Checks” tab of the pull request.
- Look for the “Mergify” check in the list of checks.
- Click on “Summary” to view the detailed Mergify report.
In the Mergify report, you can see which rules were evaluated and whether the conditions were met or not. This can help you identify any issues in your conditions and make adjustments as necessary.