Vitest Integration with CI Insights

Report your test results from Vitest to CI Insights

This guide shows how to configure Vitest to produce JUnit reports and upload them to CI Insights within a GitHub Actions workflow.

1. Generate a JUnit Report with Vitest

Section titled 1. Generate a JUnit Report with Vitest

By default, Vitest doesn’t generate JUnit-format test results. You need to enable it in your vite.config.ts or vitest.config.ts.

This is documenteded on vitest website.

For example:

export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
  return {
    test: {
      reporters: ['default', 'junit'],
      outputFile: './junit.xml',
      includeConsoleOutput: true,

Key Options:

  • reporters: ['default', 'junit']: Tells Vitest to generate JUnit reports alongside the standard console output.

  • outputFile: './junit.xml': Sets the path where Vitest writes the test results (you can rename or relocate as you prefer).

  • includeConsoleOutput: true: Ensures console logs are captured in the final report.

2. Update Your GitHub Actions Workflow

Section titled 2. Update Your GitHub Actions Workflow

Once you have the JUnit file produced by Vitest, add a step to upload these results to CI Insights via the mergifyio/gha-mergify-ci action.

In the workflow file where vitest is launched, after running npm run test (or similar), include a step like:

- name: Mergify CI Upload
  if: success() || failure()
  uses: mergifyio/gha-mergify-ci@v4
    token: ${{ secrets.MERGIFY_TOKEN }}
    report_paths: src/junit.xml

Key Points:

  • if: success() || failure(): Runs the upload step even if tests fail, ensuring CI Insights has the full report.

  • report_paths: src/junit.xml: Points to where your JUnit file is located. Make sure it matches the outputFile path you set in Vitest (e.g., ./junit.xml).

3. Verify and Review in CI Insights

Section titled 3. Verify and Review in CI Insights

After pushing these changes:

  1. Your GitHub Actions workflow will run tests with Vitest.
  2. Vitest generates junit.xml.
  3. The Mergify CI action uploads that file to CI Insights.

You can then see your test results, including failures and flaky tests, directly in the CI Insights dashboard.

  • File Paths: Double-check that outputFile in Vitest matches the path used in report_paths.

  • Permissions: Make sure the MERGIFY_TOKEN is valid and setup in your GitHub Actions secrets as explained in the docs.

  • Workflow Conditions: If your step is not running, confirm the if condition is actually triggered in your job.