Dismiss Reviews

Dismiss previous reviews on a pull request.

The dismiss_reviews action allows Mergify to automatically dismiss approved or changes requested reviews when new commits are pushed to the pull request. It is a powerful tool that can help maintain the freshness and relevance of reviews in your pull request workflow.

Key nameValue typeDefault
approvedboolean, from_requested_reviewers or

list of GitHub login


If set to true, all the approving reviews will be removed when the pull request is updated. If set to false, nothing will be done. If set to a list, each item should be the GitHub login of a user whose review will be removed. If set to from_requested_reviewers, the list of requested reviewers will be used to get whose review will be removed.

changes_requestedboolean, from_requested_reviewers or

list of GitHub login


If set to true, all the reviews requesting changes will be removed when the pull request is updated. If set to false, nothing will be done. If set to a list, each item should be the GitHub login of a user whose review will be removed. If set to from_requested_reviewers, the list of requested reviewers will be used to get whose review will be removed.



Pull request has been modified.

The message to post when dismissing the review.

whensynchronize or always

If set to synchronize, the action will run only if the pull request commits changed. Otherwise, it will run each time the rule matches.