Using Multiple Queues

Learn how to implement multiple merge queues and route your pull requests.

In larger projects with a high volume of pull requests, managing merges can become a complex task. This is where Mergify’s multiple queues feature can be a game-changer. It enables you to have finer control over the merge process by categorizing and prioritizing pull requests based on their relevance, urgency, or any other criteria you define.

Multiple queues allow you to organize your pull requests into separate lanes, each with its own rules and priorities. This is particularly useful when you want to expedite critical fixes or prioritize feature deployments without disrupting the regular flow of code integration. By using multiple queues, you can ensure that important pull requests get the attention they deserve, while others continue to be processed in their own time. In this documentation, we’ll guide you through the process of understanding, setting up, and efficiently managing multiple queues.

Mergify’s multiple queues system is a powerful tool for managing a large number of pull requests. In essence, it allows you to create different queues, each with its unique configuration, set of rules and priorities.

The processing of queues is done in the order they are defined. The first queue listed in your configuration is considered the highest priority queue. This means that all pull requests in this queue will be processed before moving onto the next queue. Mergify starts processing from the highest priority queue and then moves down to lower priority queues.

Inside each queue, pull requests are processed in the order they arrive, following a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) model. However, if you define priority rules, you can influence this order. Each pull request can have its own priority within the queue based on these rules. This adds another layer of control, allowing you to specify the order of pull requests within each queue.

In short, queues control the order in which groups of pull requests are processed, while priority rules (if defined) can adjust the order of pull requests within each queue. Furthermore, each queue can have its own configuration (e.g., speculative checks, batches), giving you even more control over its behavior.

This dual-layer system gives you fine-grained control over your pull request processing pipeline.

Multiple queues in Mergify can be configured using the queue_rules configuration in your Mergify YAML file. Each queue rule should be identified by a unique name and can have different configurations. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up multiple queues and some configuration options that you can use.

  1. Define Your Queues: Start by identifying the different queues you need. This could be based on your project’s requirements, the type of pull requests, or the teams working on them. Write your queue_conditions accordingly.
  - name: urgent
    # This can be queued before CI finishes its first run if the PR has the urgent label
      - label = urgent
    # We still want the CI to pass to merge the PR
      - check-success = myci
  - name: standard
    # CI is needed for queueing and merging the PR
      - check-success = myci

In this example, pull requests with the urgent label will be queued into the urgent queue before the first CI even finished, making sure the PR is updated and scheduled as soon as possible.

  1. Configure Each Queue: For each queue, you can specify different configurations like batch_size or speculative_checks.
  - name: urgent
    batch_size: 2
    speculative_checks: 2
  - name: standard
    batch_size: 5
    speculative_checks: 3

Queue Interruption and Priority

Section titled Queue Interruption and Priority

One of the essential features of Mergify’s multiple queues is the dynamic handling of queue priorities. By default, when a pull request enters a queue that has a higher precedence over the one currently being processed, the processing of the current queue gets interrupted, and the higher precedence queue takes over. This ensures that your most critical pull requests are processed as soon as possible, regardless of what else is happening.

However, there might be cases where you don’t want this interruption to occur — perhaps you don’t want to disturb an ongoing CI process, or you have specific scheduling needs. For this, Mergify offers the disallow_checks_interruption_from_queues configuration option.

By listing queues in disallow_checks_interruption_from_queues that should not interrupt the queue, you can prevent a lower priority queue from being interrupted by a newly arrived pull request in a higher priority queue. This gives you even more control over how your pull requests are processed and merged, allowing you to fine-tune the process to match your team’s workflow and needs.

  - name: urgent
  - name: default
  - name: lowprio
      - default

In the example above, if Mergify has launched a job to process PRs from the lowprio queue, it will not interrupt this job as soon as a PR enter the default queue. Mergify waits for the current job to be finished, and then move on to the default queue.